Monday, March 30, 2009

USM Open Paintball League Results + Photos

1st- STALKERS2nd-Inexperienced

1st- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S(Gratz)
2nd- Inexperienced (My team)(Gratz)
3rd- Lions 1st-Team STALKERS(Gratz)....(so sorry that I still din get your photo...)
My Story-
Day 1:
On the first day of the USM Open Paintball League, me and my team(5-man including me..) reached USM around 9.20am. At 10.00am, I changed to my paintball attire. We were given 1 box of pallets for each team which contained 2000 pallets. We made it to the Quater Finals at the first day.
Day 2:
We had bad news. One of my teammates couldn't make it because of his friend's birthday party. So..we had to play with only 4 players. We made it to the semi-finals..We almost made it to the finals..but I was called out for 1 for 1 because I got shot but I continued shooting although the marshall called me out. But luckily, our opponent gave up and we made it to the Finals thanks to them!...we played with Team S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S....we lost, but we still got 2nd placing...and congratulations to team S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S..good game!....we enjoyed the competition very much!!! I WANNA SAY THANKS TO ALL THE ORGANISERS, PLAYERS, MY TEAM..AND MOST, TEAM JOKERZ AS MARSHALS FOR THE COMPETITION!!!

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